Javascript Introduction

JS Comments

JavaScript comments serve as annotations within code to enhance readability and understanding. They are disregarded by JavaScript engines during code execution. Comments can be classified into two types:

Single Line Comments: Denoted by //, they are used for annotating a single line of code.


name = "Jack";

// Print name on the console
console.log("Hello " + name);

Multi-line Comments: Enclosed within /* */ delimiters, they span across multiple lines and are used for longer explanations or commenting out blocks of code.


/* The following code implements the rules of a game called Baghchal. 
   Baghchal is a popular board game in Nepal where players control either sheep or tigers on a 5x5 grid.
   The objective for tigers is to capture all sheep, while sheep aim to corner all tigers.
   The game involves strategic movement and positioning of pieces. */

Comments are not only beneficial for understanding code but also aid in debugging by temporarily disabling problematic code segments. Example:

console.log("some code");
// console.log("Error code);
console.log("other code");

It's essential to use comments judiciously to improve code comprehension for both present and future developers. Comments should focus on explaining why certain decisions were made rather than reiterating what the code does. Additionally, they should complement well-structured and self-explanatory code rather than compensating for poorly written code.